Land Plots Evaluation

Dacha plot layout

In assessing the land is usually required to determine a market value of the site, or the market value of the right to lease the land. Today the land is increasingly becoming the subject of various transactions in which you want to appreciate it. Market valuation of land depends on several factors: location, price and competition in the land market, the size of the area, ie, the expected profit from its use. In addition, there are specific factors related to the earmarked site.

In assessing the land to determine the value of the right to lease, the price in most cases, depends on the powers the tenant, the term of the law burdens the right to lease, the rights of other persons on the valued object and purpose (permitted uses) of land.

We provide a wide range of services for different types of assessment of land and natural resources.

Valuation of land can be conducted in the following cases:

  • commission of a civil transaction property;
  • involving land in the deal, including their privatization, transfer in trust or transfer of lease;
  • determine the initial land price at auction;
  • seizure of land for state and municipal needs;
  • loan secured by real estate;
  • introduction of land in the authorized capital of companies;
  • determine the best and most efficient use of land;
  • develop and implement investment projects;
  • land valuation is also done in other cases;

You must know that the valuation of land is not constant. It changes over time along with the change of all the above factors. Therefore, assessment of land is always held on a specific date and is valid for 12 months from the date of assessment. In the implementation of new deals in the future examination should be carried out again.

We are working with all sections: different purpose, a legally simpler and encumbered complicating circumstances and a different area.

Documents for the assessment of land must submit:

  1. Documents of title to land.
  2. Plan of land (if any).
  3. Rent / tax on land (if any).
  4. Land lease contract (if any).

The list of documents is provisional and may be shortened or extended after detailed examination of an appraiser with the task on the assessment and detailed analysis of specificity and the state of the valued object.
