Assessing damages apartment or other premises from fire occurs in practice is much rarer than, for example, assessment or evaluation from the Gulf of accidents. However, if you have a need to assess the damage from the fire apartment or other property, we can help you with this. A set of documents that may be required appraiser for the works may vary depending on what the property was subject to fire.
Date of assessment of damage directly depends on the amount of work and the amount of data that you can give us.
For example, when assessing damage to the apartment on fire, assess the property, consisting of home appliances, furniture, etc., can be very difficult (and in some cases impossible) to determine the make, model, body color technology; model, material upholstery. In this case, the estimate is based on data that you can give us. Therefore, the presence of checks for the purchase of property (checks very often indicate the brand or model of the purchased goods) can help in the assessment.
Bay rooms and apartments for today is the most common disaster, causing damage to property. Breaking away water destroys everything in its path, not to the road this thing or not. When flooding of premises affected almost all: covering the ceilings, covering the walls, floor coverings, doors, windows, furniture and household appliances.
Causes of the Gulf may be different (from the use of substandard components of water and heat until neglect lodging owners and operators), but they all lead to one thing – damage to property. Upload Your are ownership, but also you can be guilty of the bay. Of course, it is better to prevent the Gulf than eliminate its consequences. But if everyone did this happen, any injured person the right to claim damages.
In the modern Ukrainian society is rapidly growing legal awareness of citizens, people will not be afraid to sue in the courts. But for filing a claim for damages should be assessed from the Gulf of apartments to give the court document on the assessment of damage to property. At this point you require the services of competent organizations in this matter, ie valuation services firm. After evaluating the cost of eliminating damage to your property and receipt of the report at hand, you can justifiably make a claim for compensation for material damage (loss) for filing in court. Assessing the damage from the Gulf we spend on used methods, allowing maximum ascertain the cost of damage.
For its part, based on our professional experience wants to add that the successful conclusion of the trial you need from the beginning (with the Bay of fact) correctly and competently perform the steps that lead you to damages.
What to do if you happened bay apartments:
- Call representatives of the operating organization and the culprit bay for the act confirming the damage to property.
- Control of the description and the dimensional accuracy of damage finishes, furniture and household appliances, being examined representatives of the commission.
- Get in the operating organization original of the inspection bay.
- Try to peacefully resolve the issue of damages from the perpetrator of the bay.
- If unable to resolve the situation peacefully – call our appraisal companies and arrange for inspection of damage to a specific date and time.
- Get your hands on an evaluation report of damage from the Gulf and, on the basis of his claim for damage to the perpetrator of the incident, or to sue in the courts.
- Before going to court contact an attorney with a request to represent your interests in court. He’ll help legally competent to make the claim.
- When ordering attorneys’ fees and appraisal companies require the signing of contracts and properly executed documents of payment (receipt for payment through a bank or counterfoil receipts and cash order from the cash register receipt). These documents can be included in a claim for damages.
- Do not start the refurbishment until the court decision (in case of repeated examination and evaluation of the counter).